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Edited by floory565: 10/26/2015 12:41:01 PM
Slipped on that damn puddle in the tower - 10/20/2015 8:34:12 AM
Before I begin, I would like to say this isn't my video (the person who discovered this is [b]Bradley Freakin[/b], and this is [b]his video[/b]), but stick around because what you're about to see will astound you. So, we all know that Bungie said that the King's Fall raid would not end with "hard mode" (a.k.a there will most probably be another difficulty). In the video, a [u]new[/u] location in the raid is discovered - most likely an upcoming location in the new raid difficulty that is rumoured to be on its way. You'll notice that it's [i]almost identical to the ship jumping puzzle[/i] in the vanilla raid, with a few tweaks to aesthetics. This hints that maybe the new difficult isn't just a harder version of the raid - maybe the whole raid changes. We all know Bungie have said the basketball arena was just an Easter egg, but [i]do you honestly believe that[/i]? I mean, to go to the effort to add something like that into the raid, and make it a trek to get there in the first place, must mean that it had a purpose. Could it be related to this new area and/or the new raid difficulty? At the end of the video, a MAC cannon is also discovered [i]hidden underground[/i]. Firstly, what's it doing on the Dreadnaught? And secondly, what's it doing underground? So many questions, so little answers. What do you guys think? Share your thought in the comments below, and don't forget to [b]upvote[/b] and [b]bump[/b] for the whole community to lay eyes upon this post!

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