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Edited by BNGHelp1: 10/26/2015 8:08:44 PM
Hello! From 10/26/2015 to 11/9/2015, the Festival of the Lost live event is available to all Destiny players. This event includes new Quests, Consumable items, themed Gear and new Eververse Trading Co. items. You can view all available information with the [url=]Festival of the Lost Guided Support[/url] and [url=]FAQ[/url]. There are a few items that all players should know when engaging in Festival of the Lost activities: [b]• To display a Mask in social spaces (Tower, Reef), please ensure HELMET setting "Always On" is active in the Settings menu.[/b] [b]• Candy consumables will enable a cooldown timer on other consumables for the same combatants. For example: using Void Fizz will enable the same usage cooldown timer for Black Wax Idols.[/b] [b]• Please ensure your active character has ample Gear slots and Postmaster space before opening multiple Treasures of the Lost to avoid any loss of items.[/b] [b]• Festival of the Lost Emotes and Treasures of the Lost will no longer be available for purchase at the Eververse Trading Co. once the event has ended.[/b] [b]• The Zombie Dance Emote is not available on the PS3 or Xbox 360 consoles. If your account has purchased this Emote via the PS4 or Xbox One, it still will not be available for equipping on the PS3/Xbox 360 consoles.[/b]

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