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Silver and Eververse Trading Co. FAQ

Q: What is Silver?
A: Silver is an in-game currency that can be purchased using real-money from the PSN/Xbox Store and redeemed in-game to purchase Eververse items. These items can be purchased via Tess Everis, the Eververse vendor located in the Tower.

Q: Do I have to purchase Silver or Eververse Trading Co. items for every character I have?
A: No. Silver and items purchased with Silver are available to all characters across your account.

Q: How do I add Silver to my account?
A: Silver can only be purchased via the PSN/Xbox Store. You will not be able to buy Silver directly from Bungie or

Q: I just completed my purchase of Silver, but my in-game balance hasn't changed. What can I do?
A: If you received a purchase confirmation from the PSN/Xbox Store, you may need to close the Destiny application before the Silver can be applied.

Q: Why isn't my recently purchased Silver showing on or the mobile Destiny Companion Application?
A: If you have recently purchased Silver and your totals are not updating, you may need to do one or all of the following
1. Log into Destiny on your console to ensure that Silver has been applied to your characters. Once this has been done, your totals will update on and the Destiny Companion App.
2. Clear the Cache of your Destiny Companion Application.

Q: Can I refund my Silver back to my original payment method or PSN Wallet/Xbox Account?
A: Destiny will let you refund Eververse Trading Co. items back into in-game Silver for a limited time when purchased. If you have encountered an issue with your PSN/Xbox Store purchase of Silver, please contact Sony/Microsoft support for further assistance.

Q: I just purchased an Emote from Tess. How do I use it?
A: The Emotes are available in a new equip slot found on your Character menu. This is located below the Emblem equip slot. Please note, only one custom Emote can be equipped at a time, which will replace the default "Point" Emote.

Q: What happens if an item I purchased with Silver is dismantled or Stowed?
A: Any item purchased from Tess at the Eververse Trading Co. store can be reacquired via Tess' vendor screen in the Tower. Additionally, any Emotes purchased can be reclaimed from the Emote Collection in the Tower.

For additional questions regarding Eververse Trading Company or Silver, visit

If none of these steps solved your problem, you may return to the help page to seek other answers.

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