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Error Code: LYCHEE
If this is the first time you’ve received this error, please try that activity again and resume what you were doing before the error occurred. If you encounter the issue a second time, please exit Destiny and relaunch the game. 

Continuing to encounter this issue likely means we're testing something on our servers. Check out and follow @BungieHelp for updates. If we are not currently running any publicized tests, please troubleshoot your connection by following the suggestions on our Network Troubleshooting Guide.

If you repeatedly encounter this error for an extended period of time, or we have not publicized any backend tests, one final option to attempt a fix is to delete then reinstall Destiny on your console. 

If reinstallation does not improve your experience, it may be due to damaged or malfunctioning hardware. Check to see if other games work properly, or contact Microsoft/Sony Customer Support for further information.

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