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Error Code: BEAGLE
If this is the first time you’ve received this error, please try that activity again and resume what you were doing before the error occurred. If you encounter the issue a second time, please exit Destiny and relaunch the game.

If you are seeing this error message after exhausting all troubleshooting resources please delete, then re-install Destiny on your console. Instructions for all supported platforms are listed below.
PlayStation 4: 
  1. Highlight Destiny on your PS4 home screen
  2. Press the [OPTIONS] button on your controller
  3. Select DELETE from the menu
  4. Visit the PlayStation Store
  5. Navigate to your Library
  6. Select Destiny
  7. Select Download

PlayStation 3: 
  1. Navigate to the Games section of the XMB
  2. Highlight Destiny, then press the triangle button on your controller
  3. Select Delete
  4. Visit the PlayStation Store
  5. Navigate to your Download History
  6. Select Destiny
  7. Select Download
  8. Once download completes, launch Destiny from your Games List to install

Xbox 360:
  1. Navigate to the Settings menu on the Xbox Dashboard
  2. Select System
  3. Select Storage then Memory Unit
  4. Select Games and Apps
  5. Select Destiny, then select Delete
  6. Navigate to the Settings menu
  7. Select Download History
  8. Select Destiny then select Download Again

Note: If you see the BEAGLE error repeatedly after re-installing, there may be an issue with the Hard Drive in your Xbox 360 console. Possible mitigation methods include:
  • Delete Destiny, download any game demo, and re-install Destiny.
  • Install the game via the Xbox 360 “Install To Hard Drive” feature, instead of letting Destiny do the install.
  • Disconnect your Xbox 360 Hard Drive and then reconnect it.  This could fix a Hard Drive connection problem.
  • Contact Xbox Support at or see their help article here: Install, play, or delete a game on your Xbox 360 Hard Drive

Xbox One: 
  1. Navigate to the My Games and Apps menu
  2. In the Games section, highlight Destiny
  3. Press the [MENU] button on your controller
  4. Select Manage Game
  5. Highlight the content that you want to uninstall and press the [MENU] button on your controller
  6. Select Uninstall
  7. Navigate to the Settings menu, then select Account
  8. Select Download History
  9. Highlight Destiny, then select Download Again
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