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CDN Error (Xbox 360 Users)
WARNING: This help article is for Xbox 360 owners only.
A CDN Error can occur when some downloaded files are missing. The steps to restore the files are below.
How to delete the CDN patch on your Xbox 360:
1. Turn on your Xbox 360 Console and navigate to the Settings Tab. 
2. In the Settings Tab select System.
3. In the System Menu, select the Storage menu. 
4. From the list of Storage Devices, select the Hard Drive.
a. Game data can exist in many places, however due to size, the files we are looking for will be on the Hard Drive.
5. Select the Games and Apps folder on your Hard Drive. 
6. From the list, select Destiny.
7. Select Destiny Content 1.
a. Make sure to select the correct Content file!
8. Delete Destiny Content 1 
9. Verify and confirm you want to delete Destiny Content 1. 
10. After deleting, back out from the settings menu and restart your Xbox 360.
11. After resetting and relaunching Destiny, the files will begin to redownload. 
12. Destiny will be ready to play once your download is complete and the game is fully updated.

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