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I finished the Vault of Glass Raid and the boss didn't drop loot.
Players can only earn loot from the Vault of Glass once per week, per character. Make sure that the character you are playing on has not already completed the activity for that given week.

If you are playing the Vault of Glass Activity during the weekly reset, your completion will apply to the new week.

Some information about the loot earned in the Vault of Glass:
  • Defeating Atheon gives you a chance to get Raid-specific Legendary items, but there are no guaranteed items that are awarded.  You may get completely different items than your party members.
  • The rewards for killing Atheon and completing the Vault of Glass are awarded when he dies. For this, you will receive rewards from Atheon's loot table or at the very least, Ascendant Materials. 
  • There is no post-game screen that shows all the gear and loot that were earned in the Vault of Glass.
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