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I cannot restart my missions.
We are aware of the issue and are looking into a fix. In the meantime, there are alternative ways to reset a mission while we implement a fix:

  • Leave the activity by returning to Orbit, select the same activity on the base level difficulty, hit the "Restart Mission" button, launch into the activity after accepting it will reset progress, then leave the activity. After you complete the previous steps, try launching into the desired difficulty. 
  • Leave the activity by returning to Orbit, select the same activity and when hovering over the desired difficulty, press the button that normally restarts the mission. There will be no prompt, but it may reset the mission and launch you into the start of the mission. We are also working on a fix to display the button prompt. 

Please note that these workarounds to reset a mission may not work for everyone, and that we are actively working on a fix to make resetting missions easier.

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