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How do I report a player while in Destiny?
The in-game "Report User" function is the best way to point to another Guardian's behavior. You can report based on good or bad behavior, ranging from idling in Activities to being a helpful Fireteam member.

Please see the following instructions on how to access the function in-game:

Report a Player while playing

  1. Open your Character screen
  2. Navigate to the Roster tab
  3. Select the player name in question
  4. Choose the "Report Player" option


Report a Player while in Orbit

1.       Open the Previous Mission Summary

·         PS4: Press the TOUCH PAD button
·         Xbox One: Press the VIEW button
·         PS3/Xbox 360: Press the SELECT button

2.       Navigate to the Activity Rewards screen

3.       Select the player name in question

4.       Choose the “Report Player” option

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