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Legendary Marks FAQ

What are Legendary Marks?

Legendary Marks are a new unifying currency that were introduced with Destiny: The Taken King. These Marks are account-bound, which means the available amount will be shared across all characters on an account.

How do I earn Legendary Marks?

Legendary Marks can be earned by completing various Featured Activities such as Daily Story Chapters, Weekly Heroic Strikes, and Daily PVP Activities. They can also be earned by dismantling Year 2 Legendary items.

Is there a limit to how many Legendary Marks I can earn or hold?

There are some limitations on how many Legendary Marks an account can earn. These limitations are tied to the type of activity, like Daily and Weekly featured Activities.

·         Daily Featured Story: once per account per day
·         Daily Featured PVP: once per account per day
·         Heroic Strikes Playlist: 3 times per account per week
·         Weekly Featured PVP: 3 times per account per week
·         Dismantling Year 2 Legendaries
·         Some Quests will reward players with Legendary Marks, but only on the first completion

An account can have up to 200 Legendary Marks in the Inventory at any given time.

Please note: If you're account has reached the 200 Legendary Mark limit, Marks earned beyond 200 will not be recovered.

I performed one of the previously mentioned activities, and I didn't earn any Legendary Marks. Why?

Legendary Marks will not be granted for Daily & Weekly PVP Activities, if your Character Level is under 40. If your Character is level 40, please ensure your account does not currently have 200 Legendary Marks in the Inventory. 

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