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Purchasing Silver from PSN/Xbox Store FAQs
Q: How do I purchase Silver?
A:      Purchasing Silver via the PSN Store
The PSN Store will have Silver bundles of varying quantity available. After selecting your desired amount, complete your purchase via the PSN Store prompts. Once you have completed your purchase and received a successful notification from the PSN Store, you can return to Destiny and your Silver amount will be updated automatically.

Please note: this process may take up to 10 seconds to reflect on your in-game Silver amount.

          Purchasing Silver via the Xbox Store
The Xbox Store will have Silver bundles of varying quantity available. Please note, the Xbox 360 Store will only have the 500 Silver option. After selecting the desired amount, complete your purchase via the Xbox Store prompts. Once you have completed your purchase and received a successful notification from the Xbox Store, you can return to Destiny and your Silver amount will be updated automatically.

Please note: this process may take up to 10 seconds to reflect on your in-game Silver amount.

Silver purchased on only applies to Xbox One consoles.

Q: What if I completed my purchase using the PSN/Xbox website?
A: If you have completed your purchase of Silver using the PSN/Xbox website, you will need to log into your Destiny account on the same console of your Silver purchase. Please verify the purchase of Silver was for the appropriate console and region associated with your active Destiny account. If your any part of your purchase was completed incorrectly, please contact PlayStation or Xbox Support.

Q: Why isn't my recently purchased Silver showing on or the mobile Destiny Companion Application?
A: If you have recently purchased Silver and your totals are not updating, you may need to do one or all of the following
1. Log into Destiny on your console to ensure that Silver has been applied to your characters. Once this has been done, your totals will update on and the Destiny Companion App.
2. Clear the Cache of your Destiny Companion Application.

Q: Can I transfer Silver to another account?
A: No. Silver cannot be transferred to another account once added. Silver is available for all characters on one account. Silver is tied to the console family the purchase was completed on. If you purchase Silver on one console, please log into Destiny on that console, to ensure the recently purchased Silver has been added your account. This Silver balance will now be accurately reflected across the same console family.

Q: Can I restrict my console or an account from purchasing Silver?
A: Yes. If you wish to disable add-on purchasing via the PSN/Xbox Store, please see the following documentation from the platform support services:
Q: Can I return Silver after I have purchased it?
A: Silver can not be returned once it has been purchased. If you believe a PSN/Xbox Store purchase was made in error or fraudulently, please contact PlayStation/Xbox support.

PlayStation Support
Xbox Support

For additional information on Eververse Trading Company or Silver, please visit
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