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Playing Destiny on multiple Consoles
Be sure that security features are enabled for your account to protect from unauthorized access. 

Players have the ability to play Destiny under a single account on multiple consoles.
Please note: You may only be signed into a single account at any given time. You may encounter error codes when attempting to log into multiple consoles at a single time.

To play Destiny under a single account on multiple consoles, the following is required:

1. Your PlayStation/Xbox Live account is available on the console 

2. Destiny and additional DLC must be installed on the console
• For steps on how to Install Destiny, follow this Help Article:
• If Destiny licenses are owned physically, a Disc must be present in order to play
• If Destiny licenses are owned Digitally, this may require a restoration of licenses on the target console
• You may need to manually install Destiny: The Taken King related content
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