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UPnP/Port Forwarding/NAT Type - Allowing Destiny's Connections

What are UPnP, Port Forwarding, and NAT Type?

UPnP is a network technology that lets devices on your network set up rules on your router or modem automatically to allow the connections they need. UPnP is the simplest way to make sure you can connect to Destiny and is strongly recommended.

Port Forwarding is the process of manually defining rules to allow connections through your router. If you don’t use UPnP you will likely need to use port forwarding to allow all of the connections Destiny needs.

NAT Type refers to how strictly your network blocks connections between your console and the rest of the internet and is directly affected by your UPnP and Port Forwarding configuration. NAT stands for Network Address Translation and is a feature of your router. Sony and Microsoft use slightly different terminology when describing NAT Type on their respective console networking tests. An Open or Type 1 NAT is the least strict and will facilitate establishing the connections Destiny needs, however most players will be fine with a Moderate or Type 2 NAT.

What types of problems can be caused by my NAT configuration?

Changing your NAT Type by setting up UPnP or Port Forwarding can help resolve the following issues:
  • Unable to hear voice chat from other players in your own Fireteam
  • Frequent empty towers
  • Matchmade activities failing to find a game, resulting in ‘unable to find a match in time’/MONGOOSE errors

Should I use UPnP, Port Forwarding, or both?

When possible, use UPnP. Port Forwarding should only be configured when you cannot use UPnP. It is not recommended to enable both UPnP and Port Forwarding at the same time.

NOTE: UPnP is required if you plan to use more than one console to play Destiny on the same network simultaneously.

What do the different NAT types mean?

Sony and Microsoft use slightly different terminology with slightly different meanings.

Sony/PlayStation NAT Types

Type 1

Your console is connected directly to the internet without a router or combination modem+router. All network connections are allowed between your console and other players.

Type 2

Your console is connected to a router that is configured to allow the required network connections to play most games. You may still need to set up UPnP or Port Forwarding if you experience problems finding other players.

Type 3

Your console is connected to a router that is blocking your connection to other players and services. You will need to configure UPnP or Port Forwarding before you can play Destiny.

Microsoft/Xbox NAT Types


All network connections are allowed between your console and other players. You can play and chat with any other player.


Most network connections are allowed between your console and other players, but some connections may be blocked. You can play and chat with players that have OPEN or MODERATE type NAT, but cannot connect to players with a  STRICT NAT.


Only the bare minimum network connections are allowed between your console and other players. Many connections will be blocked. You can only play with players that have an OPEN type NAT.

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