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Getting help with Destiny Error Codes

If you get disconnected from Destiny you'll receive an error message that contains an Error Code at the bottom. Each Error Code indicates a different type of disconnection and is used to help both you and Bungie track what is causing you to lose connectivity with the game.

If you've been disconnected with the same Error Code multiple times

At the top of the Help Articles home page is a search box. Type the Error Code you're seeing into the search box and you will be taken to an article that gives you more details on that specific disconnect.

The Help search box:

Click here to return to the Help home page and perform your Error Code search

If you've been disconnected multiple times with different Error Codes

When you're getting disconnected repeatedly and we can't determine a single, consistent cause you may see a variety of different error codes. Click the "I'm seeing a variety of Error Codes" button below for more information on troubleshooting this type of problem.

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